Story Image Therapy

Story Image Therapy (SIT®) was officially 'birthed' at the Gold Coast's International Mental Health Conference in 2015


What is Story Image Therapy?

Since Story Image Therapy’s creation, Dr Toula has spoken publicly on stories and images for positive mental health in Australia, New Zealand and India. She continues to write books, book chapters, journal and non-literary articles on Story Image Therapy (SIT®) and SIT Shadow Work™, as well as delivering the SIT Solutions program and workshops to corporate business, professionals, managers and others interested in self-improvement. The results have been AMAZING.

Story Image Therapy (SIT®) uses evidence-based SIT tools (books, audiobooks, handouts, poster images etc) to:

Why Symbolic Stories & Images?

Stories and images are the universal language. Supported by science as a universal psychology method, they are effective tools used during Story Image Therapy. Symbolic stories are reinforced by images to deliver important health information. They also help us to ‘tap into’ our unconscious during SIT Shadow Work.