SIT Program

Story Image Therapy (SIT®) and SIT Shadow Work™ forms the foundation of Dr Toula’s SIT program & workshops

Why do the SIT Program?

The effects of regular shadow work can be profound, but subjective. SIT Shadow Work, delivered in the SIT program and workshops, are PROVEN to be effective. The SIT resources are grounded in clinical, doctoral and creative arts Jungian action research. As the only evidence-based shadow work program so well researched, you can be confident of the results.


SIT Books

Books used in the SIT program include:

1. Shadows of Sylvaheim (a young adult mythic fantasy novel to identify and integrate unconscious patterns commencing in childhood or adolescence FOR ALL AGES). Available as a written book, ebook and audiobook. 

2. The Rise of Jung in Me (Dr Toula’s journey to the creation of Story Image Therapy and six case studies of SIT Shadow Work™ to improve youth resilience in life, work, business or relationships).

3. Frog and Scorpion in the Boardroom (a guide to Story Image Therapy Shadow Work™ for busy professionals, managers and entrepreneurs in high stress, pressure or conflict situations).

4. Frog and Scorpion in the Bedroom (Story Image Therapy Shadow Work to help with relationship and intimacy issues impacting success in all areas)

5. Frog and Scorpion in the Living Room (the third and final book in Dr Toula’s frog and scorpion SIT Shadow Work series. This little book is to help you to recognise, embrace and integrate your family shadow self during SIT Shadow Work. Frog and Scorpion in the Living Room Is also an introduction to Shadows of Sylvaheim.

The SIT Solutions books are grounded in a scientific yet practical research method developed by Dr Toula. It’s called Jungian action research, and it involves continually refining, reflecting upon, and improving the SIT tools based on feedback from the people who use them.

SIT Program

The SIT Solutions program is designed for use with ALL individuals in business/corporate, education, healthcare and other community settings. SIT tools (books, posters, archetypal cards etc.) are used in the program to teach about holistic health, stress management, behavioural and mental health, and personality development ON AN UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL. The SIT Solutions program offers an introduction to SIT Shadow Work. Attendance is required for those who wish to become a qualified Story Image Therapist.

SIT Workshops

The three SIT Solutions workshops include: 1. Frog and Scorpion in the Boardroom (exploring our shadows related to work, business or professional development), 2. Frog and Scorpion in the Bedroom (exploring our shadows related to romantic or intimate relationships), and 3. Frog and Scorpion in the Loungeroom (exploring issues related to family and other life-business).

Each of the SIT Solutions workshops are based on universal (transpersonal) psychology as advocated by the early natural law philosophers and transpersonal psychology pioneer, Dr Carl Jung. Their psychology is used to educate and empower through ancient and modern STORIES & IMAGES.